Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dear Family and Friends,

We want to thank Patty and Dale's large community of family and friends for their generous support these past eighteen months in helping them deal with their respective life threatening issues.  Many of you have offered to cook meals, run errands, visit, and help out in other ways big and small.  Those efforts are most appreciated and have made all the difference in the quality of their lives.   While the recent news on the status of their health is fantastic, they still need a little help from their friends.   As they transition to the next phase of support, we are asking that those who can, help defray the costs of providing in-home care to Dale as he continues with his rehabilitation and therapy and as Patty regains her strength. We are starting with seed funding of $1,000 and hope to hit our target of $15,000 by January 1st, 2016.  We are proposing the following levels of funding opportunities:  4 gifts of $1,000, 8 of  $500, 16 of $150, and 32 of $100, although any amount would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much in advance friends.

The GOFUNDME Link is www.gofundme.com/hkdt3mt8/.  This is where you can make your donation. 

Love, Jeanne and David Pace, and Roy Reynolds and Denny Martin

Monday, December 7, 2015

Walhood Holiday Blessings

We have good news to report on all fronts!

Dale is benefitting from finally getting traction with physical and occupational therapy at Kaiser, and making excellent progress in getting himself up from chairs/bed, walking around safely/better, and pulling up his britches.  A new safer walker came for Dale this week, and both therapists we're working with were impressed with his progress since we got our first homework assignments in early November.  We move into speech therapy soon for help with swallowing issues, and are focusing on getting him more mobile and independent for an unknown long haul, as he has surpassed all expectations to date.  We are now 20 months since surgery, and though he's nappy/sleepy a lot, mostly he's steady as a rock and even getting stronger.  Yay!!!

Patty had her halfway-through chemo PET scan and we just got the results this week before chemo #4 on Thursday 12/3.  The scan showed considerable shrinkage of the growth, especially in the lung/chest area, with the largest mass reducing in size from 17.6 to 5.3 cm!!!  The initial chest pain and need for round-the-clock tylenol has gone away completely!  We got the go-ahead to continue to a final two chemo sessions after this week's fourth, one on Christmas eve, and one mid-January, and that is a good thing because it means she's strong and responding well.  It has been a week of big exhales and hugs and happiness and relief around here, and we're all super stoked for the holidays.  Double Yay!!!! 

As always, a hearty & sincere thank you for all the loving thoughts, prayers, food/meals, candles, etc. etc. etc.  Stephanie Oliver just flew all the way up from Phoenix to go to chemo and help out with stuff and Dale-sitting for a week which is triple awesome.  We feel very blessed by all the love and support coming our way, and send you all our best for the Holidays.  

Peace and Happy New Year!

Patty, Dale, Megan/Jeremy, Jim/Gretchen & Mark