Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Peaceful Time on the Lake in Lincoln City

A great blue heron on our dock this morning.  Dale and I are just finishing a wonderful six day stay at our beloved Freshwater Cottage at the Oregon Coast.

This is a long overdue update.  The good news is there is not much change in Dale's condition over the past couple of weeks.  He continues to get around well with the walker and enjoy short outings, visits with friends and family, yummy meals, and lots of naps.
We have been joined here at the coast by friends and family for two day visits.  We have so appreciated wonderful food that they have brought to share. Our thoughtful neighbor Micki had groceries waiting for us when we arrived and then brought fresh chocolate chip cookies the next day.

We head back to Portland today but hope to plan more visits here in the next few weeks. We are hoping to settle into a pretty regular routine.  Later today or tonight I will be updating the support team calendar on the blog.  Please check it tomorrow to see our needs. There will be regular needs for "Dale buddies" plus some opportunities to help unpack a few more boxes.  

Dale is really enjoying visits from friends and family.  He often has a story to tell and likes hearing what folks have been up to.  Call our land line 503 284 3184 if you are in the neighborhood and have a few minutes to stop by.

Dale is also really happy to be  getting back to attending church at Grace and even has been attending a wonderful gentle yoga class there offered by our friend Sherri. 

Finally again we are more grateful than you can know for all of the care, prayer and good thoughts you all continue to send our way.

With much love and gratitude



Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thanksgiving for Miracles

A dear world traveling friend called us the other day (from Scotland) to say that he had been to Vilnius Lithuania about three weeks ago and had visited the painting of the Virgin Mary (Our Lady of the Dawn) known to grant miracles.  He said that of course he does not believe in such things but he was there and decided to ask for something wonderful for Dale Walhood.

Maybe it was that, maybe all the prayers and good thoughts from everyone, maybe Dale's stubborn Norwegian nature, maybe all of that, maybe something else. We can't know but we are so grateful.

Dale continues to improve - he is stronger, mostly just using the walker to get around, enjoying any food he likes, visiting and storytelling with friends  and family. Sunday we took the dogs to the St. Francis service at church.   Yesterday we took a day trip to Lincoln City.  It was glorious.  

We are completely out of the Wygant house.  A new young family is moving in and we hope they love it as much as we did.  
That never could have happened with out the combined efforts of so many of you.  You were amazing, providing love, caring, LOTS of physical labor and wonderful meals. 

The condo is proving to be a bright, cheerful, convenient place to be.  We are all feeling comfortable here, including the schnauzers. 

Again, the kinds of help and support we need have changed.  With Dale able to enjoy a variety of activities and visits we are calling a halt to the moving and unpacking frenzy.  The rest of the stuff can wait.

We hope to go back to a more regular routine of being present and enjoying each day as it comes while we can.

Support needs will be listed again on dear Debra's blog:
Mainly we need buddies to spend time with Dale while I shop, run errands and get some exercise. Also we would love to have friends bring dinner and share it with us a couple of nights a week. Email or call me to arrange that.

In addition, Dale would love to have people drop by to visit and see our new digs.  Maybe take a short stroll around the area.  Just call our old land line.