Could not resist. Wishing you love and good reading in 2015!
First the update: Dale continues on his singular path through this cancer. He is up and around everyday, getting out to church and yoga class. At the moment he is out for lunch with some good friends. He enjoys meals and visits with friends and is still telling lots of good stories. Since we are no longer on hospice we have been back to visit our primary care doctor who ordered routine blood tests for Dale. Tests came back showing all his counts have returned to normal levels. This is more good news.
On Wednesday we went out to cut our Christmas tree at our regular spot and found a perfect one for the new space. Still working on paring down the decorations from our big Irvington house.
A couple of weeks ago Deena Prichep, a free-lance radio journalist who lives in Portland, came to interview Megan, Jeremy, Dale and me about traditional holiday foods and specifically lefse. Megan and Jeremy made lefse and she recorded the sounds. Actually we had a great time talking about traditional Scandinavian foods and our memories. She has let Megan know that the feature will air sometime this Sunday on weekend edition. Listen for it if you have the time. I can send out a link to it later after it airs.
We are continuing to count every day as a blessing and trying to enjoy some of our normal holiday routine. Dale still loves to have people drop by to visit and listen to stories. His remains positive and upbeat. He does sleep a lot and has a good bit of confusion but thankfully no real discomfort.
Our family wishes all of you good times with family and friends this holiday season, and a blessed 2015.
Book recommendation: Everyone should read this! Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. (and thanks to Paula and Sidney for telling me about it)
Again and again our gratitude to all of you for the love, support and prayers.
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