Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Dale 8.15.14

We are still out here with dad at the Kaiser Permanente hospital in Hillsboro (room 304) and expect to be here at least through the weekend, with the earliest possible discharge/next steps decision sometime Monday.  Yesterday the pneumonia was better on one side of the lungs and a little worse on the other, but overall steady.  Last night, however, was horrible.  We learned this morning that the swallowing/aspiration problem is worse than originally thought, and the doctors took him off all food and drink.  We also have urology issues, and the catheter is probably in for the duration.  Today's thinking is that the cancer is on the move again, and starting to mess around with various autonomic/involuntary body functions.  We will not be leaving here without at the very least in-home hospice care.  Discussions with our medical team are, suddenly, advanced to the hospice/comfort care stage.  I'm sorry to dump so much bad information on you all at once, but now you know.  Overall it was a pretty messed up day.  

However, dad is doing much better this afternoon, and quite chipper and chatty.  The fever broke and the only thing he describes when asked about discomfort is his desire for "a cheeseburger and a martini".  Dick and Diane came by and shared some old travel stories, which he totally loved.  Stephen Schneider made the comment today that he is still very much acting like himself, which is so true.  He is gracious and inquisitive with strangers, cracks dry jokes and chuckles to himself, and still never complains.  He enjoys asking the nurses about their family life, what their kids and spouses do, and telling stories about the old days (today a recurring theme was the family farm implement business back in North Dakota).  Just now he cracked up the nurse who came in to take vitals by replying to the final question about needing anything with "how about a beer and a sandwich".

In other news, the Wygant house went on the market today, and the garage sale/final prep could not have happened without the heroics of George and Annis Bleeke, Sarah Rowley, Holly Nelson, Anne Schneider, and Candy and Wes Walhood.  Stephanie Oliver did an awesome job of posting and taking down huge garage sale signs all over North Portland for both of the sale days.  Allan Oliver staged the place so it looks like a million bucks inside, and the photographer said "wow, this place is already sold" when he first walked inside.  Cameron Denny and Jon Grenfel have been around constantly lately, and we would be lost without their unending assistance.  Stephen Schneider is by our side each day here with his attention, good questions for the docs, and prayers.  We would be lost without all the love and help of these folks and so many many more, too many to mention.  Thank you all.

We will keep you posted, with an update on Monday sometime when we know more, probably later in the evening.  Prayers and good thoughts appreciated.  Blessings.


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