Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 14

Today was a very productive day in terms of getting our heads around what is ahead for Dad's oncology treatments.  We had a meeting with the chemo oncologist, had a good experience, and got lots of information.  Basically there is a six week program of 5 days/week with both chemo and radiation, followed by a 4-week break, followed by six months of chemotherapy only.  

After checking around and hearing stories of others who have survived well past the expected timelines with this cancer, including an aunt in North Dakota, we are hopeful about getting positive outcomes.  We feel like Dad is in good hands, but are getting a consultation and second opinion on the treatment options and issues with the UCSF Brain Cancer Center, probably the top brain cancer center in the U.S.  There is a clinical trial involving a vaccine that we are looking into, as well.  The first phase of treatment starts April 24th.

We have Dad beginning a low-sugar, high-protein, low glycemic index diet on the advice of our oncologists and several friends.  The sugar is especially bad for several reasons, so we really need to watch out for sugary stuff.  However, Dad really likes visitors, going out to lunch, and wants to see people.    

We are all anxious to get back to some semblance of a normal lifestyle, and keep things as steady and normal as we can during treatment.  We're going to have to play some things by ear, but are ready to try and organize helpers for lunch, maybe some shopping, perhaps some cleaning or yard help for Patty, outings for Dale solo, etc.  Things will fall into place once we start treatment next week, but please get in touch with Patty or I if you would like to help and we will get back to you.  Might be kind of a big chunk of time all at once on the weekends that we get back to you, but we will get back to you.

Thanks for all the good thoughts, for keeping Dale in your prayers, and for the offers of help.  We are planting summer things in the garden and thinking positive, keep the good stuff coming. 

Love you all, thank you, be well.  
Mark & Patty

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